Thursday, April 2, 2009

Books I Read in March

I read a weird mix of books this last month. They ranged from those that were predictably awful (*cough* Harlequin faith-based romance *cough*)to others that were so good (B-town!)that I'm still chortling over bits of dialogue. Five of them were free Harlequin e-books, one was an e-book from Torquere Press that had been hanging around unread on my hard drive for months, and two were books that I'd been wanting to read for years and years.

Angels Come to Visit by Diane Fox
Dancing in the Moonlight by Raeanne Thayne
Kiss Me Deadly by Michele Hauf
Snowbound by Janice Kay Johnson
Speed Dating by Nancy Warren
His Lady Mistress by Elizabeth Rolls
Elsewhere by Will Shetterly
Finder by Emma Bull

I really need to catch up on my backlog of reviews so that I can get to these.


  1. well done on reading eight books this month. There are some interesting ones on your list, which I will have to write down.

  2. Thanks, Scrap girl! I thought I read more than eight new books a month, but apparently most of my reading consists of re-reading old favorites. That so doesn't count.
